Un Remedial Teacher òf RT ta un maestro kapasitá pa yuda un persona ku tin un òf otro desabilidat òf trastorno den siñamentu (leerprobleem of leerstoornis) pa superá esaki òf duna e persona aki e hèrmèntnan nesesario pa por dil ku su desabilidat i saka lo máksimo

Un persona por a keda diagnostiká ku ADHD, ADD, Dislèksia, Diskalkulia of kualkier otro desabilidat i tòg presta bon na su trabou òf skol. Kon anto? E persona aki mester keda ekipá ku métodonan adaptá na dje pa siña. Serka un RT e por risibí e yudansa spesífiko ku e tin mester. Si bo yu, alumno, kolega òf un konosí tin mester di e yudansa aki, registrá awe mes den e formulario akibou i risibí informashon sin kosto inisial.

I believe that everybody can learn. The challenge is to find out on what pace, what teaching style and learning style is the one that best matches with the student.

Our school system doesn’t always meet the needs of some pupils. Especially the ones dealing with ADHD, ADD, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia or any other disability. But are these really disabilities or gifts in a special way??

A learning disability is a neurological disorder. In simple terms, a learning disability results from a difference in the way a person's brain is "wired." Children with learning disabilities are as smart or smarter than their peers. But they may have difficulty reading, writing, spelling, reasoning, recalling and/or organizing information if left to figure things out by themselves or if taught in conventional ways.

A learning disability can't be cured or fixed; it is a lifelong issue. With the right support and intervention, however, children with learning disabilities can succeed in school and go on to successful, often distinguished careers later in life.

As a remedial teacher I offer support to teachers, parents and the pupil himself. After filling out the intake form I will contact you for a personal meeting to discuss the process to be chosen for the specific child or adult who needs help.

All of the sessions are one-on-one sessions in a tranquil environment. Don’t hesitate, don’t be ashamed. Fill out this form without feeling committed. I will reach out to you for more info and help is just one click away….